Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Donut is rolling

Got to give he General credit, the Democrats and Donuts has been great success. Each Saturday morning at ten we meet and everyone has their say. New people show up all the time. The meeting is at Democratic headquaters on Bonita Street.

Contrast the Democrats with the Republicans. Republicans gather at the Tea Party and listen to one person lie, then maybe someone in the audience makes a fawning speech for the liar. Remember Republican meetings have a guard at the door so no one outside the cult can enter and question the liar. 

At the Donuts meeting the moderator announce a few things then hands the microphone to the first person in a large circle. That person gets to speak about whatever they want. Anyone can question the person or make their own comment. This is free speech in action. 

No offense to the Hoopleheads at the Tea Party, but the Democrats are a much more educated bunch well read, well spoken, and well informed. On the other hand the Tea Party gang is thirsty for conspiracy theories, frightening stories about migrants, and attacks on the local town council. 

Democrats are strong for women's rights. Of course in the Republican world women are subservient to evangelical men. Democrats stand up for living breathing women. Republicans will protect a deformed fetus, but will not fight to feed a young child in school.  

Last, but no least some good Republicans of the old fashioned kind attend the Donuts meeting and are welcome. Nope, that doesn't happen at a Hooplehead rally. Try going to a Tea Party meeting and suggesting the truth, you will be escorted to the door. How do cults operate? Attend a Tea Party meeting and find out. One rule is you believe, you don't question. 

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