Friday, April 12, 2024

Fun with the Snollygoster

Kadizzle had a bumper sticker made that read " Stop the Snollygoster", it featured a picture of Trump. Bored senseless waiting for Winky to have her surgery Kadizzle needed some entertainment. At the surgery center waiting room Kadizzle put the bumper sticker on the sink of the men's room. After about an hour it disappeared. Kadizzle figured a Hooplehead threw it in the wastebasket. Sure enough that was the case. Kadizzle retrieved it and once more put it on the sink. Once more the Hoople threw  it away.  The third time the Hoople did not put it in the restroom waste basket, but it was found by the coffee machine. Kadizzle saw the enemy Hoople there. So after a day of fun Kadizzle figured out who the Hoople was.  

The surgery took about six hours, so there was a lot of time to waste. Scottsdale has a massive medical complex. The amount of money that goes into repairing old people in this country is horrendous. Everyone who stays alive gets new hips and knees. Nothing can be done about the mental illness that gets Trump elected. 

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