Friday, April 26, 2024

KMOG radio, an electronic Trump lying machine

KMOG radio is the voice of deceit, and the fodder for the Hooplheads. If you are a right wing dinger like Trump, Kari Lake, or a host of others you can buy an hour of propaganda for $200. The host will prompt you to lie and suck up to the idiots in town. 

Yesterday Kadizzle had a sit down with the head of the local hospital to speak to him about sponsoring the KMOG volcano of lies. It was a good conversation and hopefully as a major sponsor something will happen. 

Twice yesterday when the liars were challenged the phone went dead. Steve Otto is running for mayor. Steve twist reality and has been attacking the town council for some time. Kadizzle called Honest Abe Otto and asked him why he called questioning him an assault. After a littler stuttering the host hung up the phone on Kadizzle. At a town council meeting Kadizzle approached Honest Abe Otto and asked to speak about his lying. Otto claimed that was an assault. At the meeting Kadizzle gave Otto a paper outlining his lies, that was an assault. 

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