Friday, October 02, 2020

There is no housing shortage

With Dear Leader coming down with the virus that would seem to be the topic for today, but old Kadizzle has something else on his mind.  Winky and Kadizzle are planted at a very large ski resort in Vermont.  Of course there is no snow and no skiing.  What is amazing is the vast number of empty homes, apartments, and various lodging.  If someone took inventory of all the nice housing in this country they quickly find everyone could have a nice place to live.  Across this country high quality housing sits empty.  Even more amazing are the people working from home.  This means thousands of office buildings are empty.  That means even more potential housing.  Poverty in the United States is a distribution problem.  When those on top take it all there is little left for those on the bottom.  We pile up the poor in the cities, and live like kings in the country.  

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