Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Electric Flames

 Never thought Kadizzle would see the day Winky would praise a fake fireplace, but she likes the one in the Earth Module.  It actually will put out heat.  It does give our little nest a more cozy sense.  Remarkably you can adjust the color of the flames or even just have the logs glow.  If we had been given a choice we would not have one, but we are growing to like it. 

The view from the Earth Module is pretty damn good.  The new Earth Module has better windows than the old one.  On the North we have an excellent view of the lake and mountains, to the south are the cliff dwellings and more mountains. 

If Trump is run out of town on election day it will be such a wonderful day.  The clouds will lift, it will feel like we can breathe again.  The stupid people will go back into hiding.  Oh, what a glorious day.  On the other hand it could be the beginning of a civil war.  The gun nuts are armed to the teeth just waiting to shoot.  Trump insanity is very heavy right where we sit.  Strangely the people that suffer the most from Republican policies support the idiocy the most. 

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