Saturday, September 05, 2020

Nazi Flags Flying

 The fags are flying.  People publicly declaring their stupidity is an amazing sight.  Kadizzle is now hunkered down near the little town of Stanton, North Dakota.  The local businesses have cranes with the boom raised high flying Trump flags.  It is a sickening sight.  Simple minded people proud that they do not read, comprehend or understand.  The Nazi Trump flags have sprouted.  These people declare the truth just does no matter.  Living a world with cult members sprinkled among us gives and uncomfortable feeling.  What did it feel like in Germany as the country marched toward disaster?  Years ago when Kadizzle moved to North Dakota it seemed like a reasonable place.  Back in West Virginia, that state seemed like a reasonable place, but we have slipped into redneck heaven. Gun toting, flag waving, Republican Jesus hell is now the standard. 

Now there is a good sign.  Kadizzle knows two preachers well.  Both of them have seen the evil of Trump and are pressing their flocks to wake up.  It seems that some Republicans are coming out of the fog.  Trump's insanity seems to get worse every day.  At what point do people finally wake up?

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