Tuesday, September 15, 2020

He lies to protect us

It has become clear President Trump will lie to protect us from panicking.  This creates a big problem.  How do we know when he is lying to protect himself or lying to protect us. President Trump has declared himself a stable genius. It gives me comfort to know we have a stable genius to decide when to lie and when to tell the truth. Sometimes adults lie to children because we love them and want to protect them.  We are all just children in president Trump’s mind and we can be thankful he would risk his reputation to protect us. Politics is a team sport.  If you support the Trump team, fly your Trump flag proudly.  Trump’s lies that protect us cannot be effective if he does not have the support of our North Dakota congressional delegation.  Every good citizen of North Dakota should be thankful for Kevin Cramer, Kelly Armstrong, and John Hoeven.  Our delegation risks their reputation supporting the lies Trump tells to avoid panic among us.  We must all understand not everyone can handle the truth.  Thankfully we have leaders that know when to protect us from the truth. 

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