Sunday, September 13, 2020

Dear Leader

 We have entered a new era.  Americans now live in a cult led by Dear Leader.  Dear Leader loves us and lies to protect us.  We don't need science, math, or history anymore and should burn all those books.  Dear Leader knows what is best for us.  What is best for us is tax breaks for the rich.  Democrats are evil because they are not nice to Dear Leader.  Dear Leader calls women who are mean to him nasty, reporters who ask hard questions are nasty. Dear Leader knows nasty when he see it.  If we would accept the new religion of Dear Leader all of us could be happy.  Why are you reluctant to join Dear Leader's cult? You get to wear a red hat, you don't have to wear a face mask, you can carry a gun, and you get pardoned for anything you do if Dear Leader likes you.  

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