Monday, April 15, 2019

Step into a different world

The Earth Module sits beside the house.  Jeff is in the basement.  Who in the hell is Jeff?  Jeff is a millwright.  If you don't know what that is look it up.  Anyway Jeff was here a couple years ago as an Air B an B guest.  He has become a good friend as most of our guest do.   So Jeff is back to work the outage at the old power plant where Kadizzle used to work.  It is about five thirty in the morning.  Could not sleep.  Here we sit in a huge house compared to the Earth Module.  We made it back.  It is like being dropped in another world.  Right away someone called and wants to look at the house.  If they actually where to buy it that would immediately set things astir.  Here we go launched into a strange summer without the boat.  The lake is already extremely high for this time of year and there may be problems if there is a lot of mountain run off.

Today will be a day of getting unpacked and oriented to our new life.  Amazing to be in a land where not a single flower has bloomed.  We are in North Dakota a special land where the politicians are caught in the ice age of progress.  Always the same old crap, guns, abortion, and how can we get money from the lobbyist without smelling bad.  The sun is not even up.  At least it is quiet.  Soon the simple minded dingers will be out on their noise machines making their engines roar.  The desert was so quiet.  We will miss that.   The snow is at least gone here.  Strange we even have to think about that.  Summer will go roaring by and next thing you know the Earth module will be heading south again.

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