Thursday, April 18, 2019

A different world

The Earth Module sits beside the house in Hazen, North Dakota. The transition from living in a box to a good sized home is strange.  At headquarters we have four computers strewn all over the place, music plays in every room, and now we have two Alexa's and a Google mini.  Electronics seem to sprout from the walls.  Here you get to stand in the shower and soak as long as you like.  There is not little journey to the outhouse in the morning.

Now for the flip side.  There is no warm sunshine, no flowers, now crystal clear sky, no walking around in a T shirt,  and not looking at mountains all around.  Here everything is struggling to get out of the ground.  Back in AZ the plants shot from the ground like they had been turned on.  Sitting on the flat plate they call prairie you do not get to find anything as a surprise.  Here you can see everything a day before you get to it across the barren plane.  Eventually spring will come here, but in the meantime what do you do.  You feel like a pickle in a canning jar.

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