Friday, April 19, 2019

A Hang Fire

Old Kadizzle used to be involved in blasting in his career.  At one time Kadizzle would spend midnight shift in the coal mine drilling and blasting the bottom so it could be loaded to give the trains more room.  The underground rail system hauled the coal out of the mine.

A blasting term is "hang fire".  A hang fire can be dangerous.  First, let's define a hang fire.  If you set off a blast and it is burning, but not exploding, you have a hang fire.  You light the fuse, but somehow the fuse does not burn all the way to the powder.  The fuse could be burning slowly.  If you walk up there to see what is wrong and the fuse takes off again, you are toast.

So what?  The point here is the Mueller report.  The Mueller Report is a hang fire.  There was no explosion, but it is still fizzling.

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