Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Meeting

Just back from the Crazy Club weekly meeting.  It was an excellent meeting, well attended, and wonderful discussions.  The discussions ranged as they should on every topic.  Everyone participated and all parts of the universe were represented.  It was like an ideal church service, no building, no costumes, no money exchanged.  Just people talking and expressing their views on humanity.  The owner of the place was there and a great participant.  Did he ever envision that what he thought was an art gallery, and art store would turn into a successful Crazy Club, that sold very little art?

A lot of talk about religion took place.  It was a good talk because each portion of the religious or should Kadizzle say non religious were represented.  Part of the conversation grew around the concept of community, and what it should be, what it used to be, and what it is now.  Seems like everyone agrees Trump has brought the world into a state of shock and malaze.  There seems to be a lot of people wondering " What have we done?".   So the meeting ended with rain from the sky.  Maybe the rain is permission to go on with life.  There would be no life without rain.  If there is a magic higher power perhaps that power sent a gift in the form of liquid hydrogen, and oxygen. 

Tomorrow we hop on the big bird and fly to Florida to meet with the Crazy Club our marriage has created.  It will be great to see the gang, and the newest Earthlings that have sprung from our union.

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