Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meeting Day

It might be a big meeting down at the crazy club today.  If our two new members show up there will not be enough chairs.  Kadizzle wants to bring up the competition.  Of course you have Trump with his buddy in North Korea.  Who could beat their crazy club.  Locally our competition come from Rita's sewing shop.  Rita never has that many crazies, but she does have quality.  Crazy Bill was about as dingy as you can get.  Now Rita has pulled a slick one.  Rita has recruited the kids with learning disabilities.  So she has gone strong by going young.  Our Crazy Club has nothing but old goats.  How are we supposed to compete?  Stroupini who always has some good crazy ideas gave Kadizzle a great idea to go after the worthless city commissioners.  Kadizzle has had a Jihad against the junked cars all over Hazen for years.  Stroupini suggested a calendar.  Each month would feature a nice picture of some yard junked up with cars and trash.  This would set the city abuzz.  Were it not for extreme lethargy Kadizzle would get on the project.  So far Kadizzle's mail box has been run over twice by the slummers.  Perhaps the mailbox needs another treatment.

If the blasted teflon paint comes today maybe Kadizzle can slap it on the good ship and launch.  A nice sail in a soft breeze would put the heart in a good place.  If you are reading this Honest Omar we need to recruit your guys sometime this summer for a sewage sail.  Just cannot imaging how big those guys are now.  Miss the old sewage sails.  For those unfamiliar with a sewage sail perhaps an explanation is due.  In the old days when the marina was owned by a ruthless scallawag Kadizzle had to go clear across the lake to pump the sewage out of the good ship.  Click and Clack the tappet brothers and grandsons of Honest Omar would go along.  On the way we would sing sea shanties, and when the ship pulled into Fort Stevens we all had a round of Ice Cream stuffed down our cannons. 

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