Thursday, April 13, 2017

Same old Same old

The summer routine is in full swing.  Kadizzle participated in the Remidigus yesterday and the day before. What is the Remidigus?  Well it works this way.  You get on your bike, your motorcycle, or even use the car if you have to, and then you go on a bullshit route.  On the route you run into people and shoot the breeze with them.  So yesterday Kadizzle went to the Crazy Club, a mandatory stop on the Remidigus.  Shiny's little dog jumped on Kadizzle's lap and sniffed his ear like it was full of prime rib.  Normally Shiny's little buddy is not so loving, but with Stoupini gone doggy needed a back rub.

As luck would have it Kadizzle returned home and forgot his cell phone at Shiney's.  On the way back to Shiny's who should Kadizzle run into but Mrs super crazy, who produced her son more crazy.  Mrs Super crazy and Kadizzle had quite the run in a few years ago.  Mrs Crazy claimed Kadizzle tried to run her over with his motorcycle.  The whole thing ended up in court and Mrs Crazy was ruled crazy by the judge.  Kadizzle has been friends with Mrs Crazy's son as part of his mission to help the insane.  So believe it or not Mrs Crazy and Kadizzle have become quasi good acquaintances.  In front of the crazy club we discussed the current status of her son and one of the other young mental cases we have tried to reform.  Mrs Crazy's son suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome, as does the other crazy client.

Talking to Mrs Crazy a lawyer friend happened by and another BS session got going. Then over to see the other guy who loves to agitate the Republicans.  In the course of the Remidigus Kadizzle finds out who is shot up and falling apart. Over the winter time has taken it's toll on Dave.  Dave is and always has been about as crazy as you can get.  Dave used to be an oiler on the shovel when Kadizzle worked at the mine. Dave apparently had a bad spell in the hospital then got out an wrecked his truck.  Dave is a tough old bird and is up an running, who knows for how long.  Stopped to see Archie at the garage and got the fill in from him on another old work place.  Archie is a premiere garage puttering person.  The only person Kadizzle has not caught up with of major  importance is Rita the sewing lady.  Rita also runs a crazy club as she does her sewing on mainstreet.  Rita has a collection of crazy people that rivals Shiny's crazy club. Some are members of both organizations, including Kadizzle.  Crazy Bill frequents Rita's club.  Crazy Bill sets the standard for nuttiness.  Old Dariell is barely chugging along with cancer.  Getting up to date on all the local nonsense is a big job.

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