Saturday, April 15, 2017

Launch The Good Ship

The good ship sits on it's trailer.  There is a lot of surface area on the hull, and that means a lot of hand polishing and scrubbing. This morning Kadizzle did some homework and confirmed what he has always suspected. If you go by surface area, Lake Sakakawea is the largest man made lake in the country.  Lake Mead and Lake Powell hold more water, but are deep narrow lakes.

The amount of crap that has to be put on the boat is amazing.  Boat paraphernalia will easily fill up more than a pickup load.  The birds seem to think the boat is an outhouse.  This is the worst year ever for bird droppings. Something made them like it this winter as it was stored.

The first time out is always a thrill.  The peace and quiet of the lake is calming, and sleeping on the boat is always a pleasant thing.

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