Thursday, April 20, 2017

New member inducted into the Crazy Club.

What a great day at the Crazy Club.  Stroupini celebrated his 70th birthday, and Bev was inducted into the club.  A debate took place regarding the issue of if Bev was crazy enough to join.  After indicating a few crazy things she had done in her life the vote was unanimous and Bev became the latest to be acknowledged as a member in good standing. A discussion was held about Bev's initiation. It was determined that she should wear sacred underwear for a week. As those who have studied the mormons know sacred underwear is part of their cult.  During the discussion about the initiation Shiny brought up the matter that Mormon's had special sacred underwear for married women.  The details of this discussion cannot be revealed, but research must be done to determine if Shiny is correct.  Kadizzle suggested Bev wear his underwear for a week.  Do to health considerations this idea was rejected.  A prayer session was held and Kadizzle gave the evocation.

At this point the group decide to listen to the Youtube item below

None of the club members were aware of international trepidation contest, and this recording provided a great deal of laughter and entertainment.  If you take the time to listen to the presentation you will become aware that in international competition a farting post is used. After the audio entertainment was over a breakfast roll was served in place of cake for Stroupini's birthday.  Lord Kadizzle presented Stoupini with a farting post for his birthday.

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