Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Six Tooth Philosophy

Yesterday Kadizzle got caught in a cackle storm early in the day.  The plan was to go on a cycle ride with Len, but in no time Len and Kadizzle were in a severe cackle storm resolving all issues of the universe.  Although Kadizzle tried to end the conversation and start the ride a couple times on it went.  It took three hours to get the cackling done. 

With the cackling done the motorcycle was loaded and the three of us decided to head down the Salt River to Apache Lake.  Len and Kadizzle planned to make a run up a back road and do some exploring. The Commander, after she unloaded Kadizzle's cycle went on to visit an old acquaintance on Lake Apache.

Len has modified his cycle so it is geared lower than Kadizzle's.  Otherwise the cycles are identical.  When the cycle adventure came to the first obstacle which did not take long, it was decided that Len would attempt it first.   A little overconfident, Len headed with great gusto up the hill for of pool ball sized rocks.  Len came to a stop as he spun out, and Kadizzle thought he would have to rush by foot to help Len.  Len managed to get his cycle turned around.  Next by foot, Len and Kadizzle went on up the hill and scouted.  It was hopeless and the cycle adventure had to turn back. 

Meanwhile The Commander returned to the two foiled cyclist.  The Commander ran in to two other cyclist camped at Burnt Creek.  She suggested they might have local knowledge of a good ride.  Kadizzle quickly found them and inquired about their knowledge of the area.  It turned out they knew very little.  Foiled, Kadizzle and Len returned to camp.  Somehow Kadizzle managed to have his expensive shirt blow off the  back of the cycle during the trip, so today he has to go back and find it today.

Prior to the great cycle expedition the philosopher in a tent, Gary, invited the Kadizzles for a dinner of fresh large mouth bass.  Gary hates killing anything so he wanted Kadizzle to cut the heads from the fish.  Neither Gary nor Kadizzle are great fish cleaners so together they butchered the fish. 

After the fish dinner Gary and his companion dog, Sammy, came over for a cackle session.  As usual the conversation ranged all over the universe.  If you have been following this blog, you have met Gary.   Discussing life with Gary, both Kadizzle and the commander were taken aback by this self educated man quoting Jean-Paul Sartre.  As Gary quoted the other day " The key to knowledge is doubt".   If so many people stuck in one way of thinking, a religion, politics, or whatever they believe would take a good sprinkling of doubt and re-examine their thought process, we would all be better off.  Gary is living proof things are never what they seem.

Jean-Paul Sartre

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