Saturday, February 08, 2014

Indian Bread Rocks.

The Dos Cabezas mountains down in the land of Cochise have many hidden spots of beauty.  At the Indian Bread Rocks campground we landed and started hiking.  Kadizzle always thought the Dragoon Mountains were his favorite, but now he knows there are other good places in this mountain chain.

For two days it we climbed through the huge rocks and discovered the hidden pools of water in the canyon.  When we drove in it looked like we had the spot all to ourselves, but two other campers showed up late in the day after we had drinks with Ruth and Rodger.  One camper had a drone he demoed for us.  The hieght it reached was impressive.   His drone could hover over the campground and record a video.  It would be fun to get some overhead shots of our hikes from a drone.

Rodger and Cissie headed off up a canyon to search for a spring, and Ruth and Kadizzle tried to find an easy way back. We made it back, but it was not the easy way.

Now we are settled in at Roper Lake State park.  We just got back from the hot tub fed by a hot spring.  The water was about 90 and five more degrees would have been nice.  Tomorrow Ruth and Roger head home and the Kadizzles will spend another day here.  Nest we will land back at Lake Roosevelt if all goes well.

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