Thursday, July 22, 2010

Act Like Nothings Wrong

If you have not tried the internet music service Pandora, you should. It is free. Pandora allows you to pick the kind of music you like. Once you tell it a song you like it figures out what else you will like. Kadizzle found a song called "Act like nothing's wrong". The lyrics to the song are wonderful. There is some truth in the saying. Growing up as a kid Kadizzle became a good pool player because his grandfather had a nice old fashioned pool table in his attic. The pool balls started to get some wear and needed to be replaced. One day Kadizzle was in downtown Wheeling, West Virginia with one of the local hooligans. In a furniture store that happened to sell pool balls, and pool tables the kid decided to acquire a new set of pool balls for my grandfathers pool table. This was not going to be a cash transaction. The junior psychopath stuffed the box containing the pool balls under his jacket and proceeded to walk out the front door of the store. Kadizzle was unaware that nut case had undertaken this venture and was amazed when pool balls started dropping out of his jacket as he left the store. The pool balls rolled in every direction. Kadizzle stood in shocked amazement as this drama unfolded. Smitty casually started to walk around and pick up the pool balls. A store clerk saw what had happened and came over and helped Smitty pick up the pool balls and put them back in the box. It never occurred to the clerk that psycho had stolen the pool balls. After the balls were repackaged Smitty thanked the clerk and walked out the door with the package of pool balls in plain site. The moral of the story is "Act like nothing's wrong".

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