Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Cheat

The Commander is critical of Kadizzle using the computer. The Commander claims Kadizzle will run the generator just to use the computer. The trick is to use the computer when the generator has to run anyway. Being on the Net while RVing takes some adjustment. First you need a good cell phone connection, then you have to have timing. The laptop will run for about an hour and a half on its own battery.

The Commander A.K. A. the cheat normally reads in the morning, but on the road her routine is different. This morning she nudged up against me in my computer spot and said just let me on for a minute. According to The Commander she was just going to check her gmail. Then she said "Just one more thing". Next she moved to the other side of the table and took the computer with her. Kadizzle felt like he had just had his pocket picked. Kadizzle was left with nothing but an empty table to read.

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