Monday, September 21, 2009

Dare to be Stupid

Lord Kadizzle just thought of a new feature for the Kadizzled Blog. "Dare to be stupid". Today will be the first entry. Two of my sailing friends decided to sail downwind to an Island. Late in the day the weather was predicted to come from the direction they had to return to with a vengence. As predicted the wind howled from 30 to 35. It looked like they were going to make it back before the big blow, but Click of the Click and Clack team relized he forgot his shoes on the island. Well back to the island they went. Now the hurricane force winds were blowing. So Click and Clad spent the night on the island. This morning Kadizzle had to take a boat trailer and retrieve them from the eastern edge of the lake. Kadizzle had his own round of dare to be stupid. Kadizzle had the idea he could bring the sail boat back with the mast up. Kadizzle scouted a route thru a farmers field that he thought would get him around the only power line. Kadizzle had done the same stupid sailing stunt himself twenty years ago and recalled there was only one power line in the way. Not very long into the journey another power line appeared. By a mirical there was a simple way around. Just as we got to the highway, yet another power line appeared that had not been there twenty years ago. At this point the dare to be stupid crew had to take the mast down. Had we hit a power line with the mast we could surely have won the contest for the year.

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