Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A society that works

You cannot have an economic system where five percent of the people at the top get ninety percent of the income. The banking mess we are now in is actually the result of the belief that many can work and only a few can prosper. The whole idea that a CEO can be worth 350 times what a line worker makes is obscene. Until the country goes back to a progressive income tax that addresses income inequality the country will continue to flounder. As long as people listen to pig advocates like Rush Limbaugh and think it is perfectly fine for the top one percent of the country to get 17 percent of the income while the bottom 20 percent of our society only gets 2 percent, the country will continue to decline into a banana republic. Why are we giving social security checks to people with retirement incomes of over two hundred thousand dollars per year? This is money taken from the young and given to the rich. Why is there no social security tax on any money earned over one hundred thousand dollars? The system is rigged in favor of the haves and against the have not's. It has brought us to our knees. How can the have nots spend when they have not. Spending is what makes the economy work. Concentrating all the wealth in the hands of a few has created the current mess and until this is addressed it will go on.
The whole notion that these people earned the money is insane, they stole it. They bribed our elected officials to rewrite the banking regulations, and just plain hoodwinked the public. All the CEO's that were such geniuses ran GM, and a host of other companies into the ground while they paid themselves millions.
If anyone suggest a limit on this unbridled greed they are quickly labeled a socialist. Sharing is evil, employing someone at Wal Mart for six bucks an hour with no benefits is what Jesus wants, and of course it is just fine with Jesus that the CEO of Wal Mart gets five thousand dollars an hour. Let Bill O'Rielly, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the devils henchmen beat the drums for the destruction of our economy. Instead of reading and thinking for yourself, line up behind the right wing lemmings and keep telling yourself what is good for GM is good for the country, what is good for Wall Street is good for the country. Believing is easy, knowing takes some effort.

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