Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't Piss on me and tell me "It's Raining".

The fallacy of trickle down economics has been blown to shreds. Now, the same people who brought us the melt down want us to believe their next gambit. All the Republicans have lined up to fight against any progress Obama might make in saving the economy. Now, suddenly they are all concerned about the future deficits and the welfare of our children. These same lackies who gave tax breaks to the rich and kept the Iraq war off the budget had no voices when Bush was destroying the economy. Now, when someone else tries to clean up the mess their voices return. These lickspittles tell us they have a budget. They have an alternative budget. One major problem, their budget has no numbers. One thing for sure in there budget with no number is the proposition that the people who just robbed us will not have a tax increase. Yup, the people who made out like bandits under Bush will not be asked to sacrifice a thing when it come to cleaning up the mess.

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