Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Please don't confuse me with the truth

Kadizzle has been toying with the insane on a social app called Nextdoor. Bringing up town politics on the site was like a nuclear explosion of lies and misinformation. Hoopleheads have a religion based on Donald Trump. Trump has made lying mainstream. The Hoopleheads see misinformation as just part of the game. The most puzzling thing is do they believe their own lies? To enjoy religion you have to get used to the idea you are going to believe the absurd. Mentally your brain becomes fudge. The logical part of your brain that assesses information shuts down, and the part of your brain that feeds on lies and rumors is fired up. 

At some point people had to come to grips with the fact the Earth revolved around the sun, but keep in mind prior to that time people concocted a system that allowed them to believe something entirely wrong. As a society we have reached that point once more. The Hoopleheads concoct stories that support absurd ideas. One thing the Hooples resist is real information. News organizations like Fox News feed the Hooples and the Hooples are careful not to look at any real news. It is the careful way Hooples avoid reality that fascinates Kadizzle. 

Kadizzle has challenged so many Hooples to look at factual information. The Hooples want no part of it. Trump's endless lying relies on the Hooples appetite for lies. A lady lives very close and buys into the Hoople philosophy. She could very easily meet Kadizzle and see documents and proof about the silly allegation of the Hoopleheads, but know that would spoil everything. 

There is an element of fun and excitement in believing in the Easter Bunny, and Santa Clause. Nowhere shows human nature better than the casino. The place is full of people being slowly robbed. There is an easy way anyone can find out if they are robbed at the casino. Walk in with $100 in your wallet. When you walk out if you have less you lost. The mathematics guarantee given enough time you will lose. In spite of reality the Hoopleheads think they win. The trick for the Hooplehead is only to remember wins and totally forget losses. It works the Hooples keep coming back and the Indians rob the wagon train the modern way. Playing on basic human psychology works. Enabling people to believe what they want to believe is an old trick. You will no be dead, you will just go somewhere else. Everyone want to believe that, so just sell that idea. Hooples don't want to believe they are idiots and failures so you sell them on the idea they did not lose in life a conspiracy tricked them. The government is out to defeat Hoopleheads, sell that idea. Of course the Hooples want ten pounds of that idea. I am really a smart person, but I appear to be a dud because the government tricked me and stole my money. That is an idea any Hoople will send money to Trump for. 

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