Saturday, March 02, 2024

CAVEmen vs Normal people

Payson is struggling to go forward. On one side you have the Luddites, the " I got mine, you can go to hell" group. The CAVEmen (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) represent the busted flat chain link fence gang. The people who don't want to help the next generation are fans of the Hoopleheads, and the CAVEmen. 

On the other side of the world are the normal people. The normal people see the future as bright, not as some fearsome place where people are taxed. The CAVEmen cannot understand taxes are an investment. You build a road, you drive on it, that works great. Now, you are amazed you have to pay for the road. CAVEmen think paying for things is an infringement on their rights. 

The favorite game of the CAVEmen is to claim decisions are made without them getting to vote on it. The CAVEmen cannot understand the concept of representative government. You bought a pencil, and we did not get to vote on it. 

Now the CAVEmen want to overthrow the current town council. It is the best town council in years. The progress drives the CAVEmen nuts. 

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