Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Path to Nirvana

 Construction on our street has cut off our access to the west. To solve the problem we have been building a path through the wood so the west so we can reach the lands towards California. Of course the way is strewn with boulders. Again Kadizzle has been prying the rocks out of the way. Winky uses the path to recover the blasted plants she wants to put in the backyard. Kadizzle was given his orders this morning that include more GD plant digging. Of course the desert plants have roots that go to China. 

Sitting in the garage shading himself Kadizzle saw one of the owners of the construction company headed his way. Jerry pulled up a chair and the chat was on. Jerry is pretty friendly and a nice guy to talk to, but his brother is a grump. 

These two old guys must love construction work. On weekends they keep working as their employees rest. Grump runs a large tracked backhoe. They have their work cut out. It will take about three months for them to chew out room for about thirty more homes. To dig the sewer and water they have to beat on rock all day. 

Jerry is recovering many of the huge boulders to build a rock wall in front of his home. None of his rocks could be moved without the aid of the large machinery he has. The Chinese could have completed their wall much quicker with modern machinery. 

Always be nice to working people and particularly those with heavy equipment. They can do you big favors. 

It looks like another perfect day, but the Commander has big plans to make the old lard work hard.  

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