Saturday, April 09, 2022

Cave Dwellers

 Way back in 1976 we moved to Hazen, North Dakota. One peculiar thing Kadizzle noticed in the homes there were the small windows, and the closed nature of the dwellings. It was if the people feared the secret police. Kadizzle has always liked sun, and sunlight. Kadizzle was raised in a home full of large double hung windows from close to the floor to nearly the ceiling. In the old days windows provided all the light. 

Let there be light. In our new home the sun pours in. One thing we have is sunlight. Since we are at the top of a hill we get light and sun from every direction. Far away and long ago Kadizzle worked in Southern West Virginia. Those poor people lived in the bottom of deep V shaped valleys. They did not feel the sun until ten in the morning and even in summer the sun was behind the mountain in no time. To make it all worse they worked in the dark of the mines. 

Today is going to be a perfect day without a cloud in the sky.  Winky is out on the deck that surrounds the house on the North and East. She is looking for birds.  Some showed up today to the new feeders.  

The crippled leg is just about healed and the devastation is about gone. Here we go one more day circling the sun. 

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