Saturday, July 03, 2021

Among the delusional

Parade day in the heart of Mormon country is today. Looks like it will rain on the parade. An actual ground penetrating rain fell last night. Patriotism seems to be high around here. Various displays of the flag and red, white, and blue are abundant. Strangely the people who are being beat down the most by capitalism out of control are the ones giving it the most praise. Trump who supports no one but the rich, and loves to set up tax schemes to stomp on the poor is their hero. The people on the bottom know one thing. They know someone is screwing them. Problem is they are clueless who that someone is. This sets them up for abuse. Someone like Trump invents a culprit and sells the down trodden on the idea. Works just like a magician uses diversion. Look over there while I steal your wallet. Look quick it's Mexicans taking your jobs. Really, maybe you took my job and shipped it to China. The blatant nonsense of the Republicans is what amazes. Voter suppression is a classic. How do you hide the intent?

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