Friday, July 02, 2021

A hard climb

 The sun is fighting the clouds to come out and cook the Earth. It has been struggling to rain every day in this dry parched land. The bike is fixed, but there are two low gears missing. Seems like the story of Kadizzles life. For the times they are a changin. People don't want to work for nothing. The New York Times says a lot of older people just gave up and quit. People will not work for poverty wages, and businesses cannot get people to work.  CEO's of course get their same old 350 times what the line worker does. Life is good if you are where life is good, but if you are not feed the chickens and cash the welfare payment. 

Winky and Kadizzle wanted to do a little traveling this summer, but we seem to be stuck in the White Mountains.  This is not bad we could be stuck in Death Valley.  In the time we have been here we have covered a lot of ground by foot, ebike, and motorcycle.  It is a big world with people hidden in the woods all over the place.  The number of elk is astounding. You see them everywhere. This is a strange new lifestyle. We are camped, parked, whatever you want to call it beside Cliff's home. Cliff hit the jackpot when they built a cell tower on his property. The extra income has added a new dimension  to his economy. For many of our conveniences we zip into Cliffs house. The house has two porches with two entirely different views. Contemplating on the porch is frequently a pass time. 

Kadizzle is not a reader, but Winky convinced him to take up a book she says is one of the greatest. The book is Barkskins, a three hundred year history of lumbering. For a guy that does not read much in the hardbound sector this is a thick book. No matter where you are in history the theme is always the same, the have's robbing the have not's.  A lot of the story is how the Indians and settlers meshed, or did not. The simplest way to deal with the natives was to kill them and steal their land. In those days you did not have to work on voter suppression to rob the poor. The book is filled with French phrases and words. Now what is Kadizzle supposed to do look up all this French? You just guess. The Indians could be cruel, but the English were no better. One story was about a white man captured. The Indian women sewed up every orifice he had, and cut off his legs. Would be a nice solution to Trump. 

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