Sunday, April 04, 2021

The Mother of all bad roads

Al told Kadizzle we would take a motorcycle ride on the west side of the Catalina Mountains near Tucson. As we approached the start of the ride Al said we would turn around if it got too bad.  The road immediately became terrible. After a mile and a half we surrendered. The road was strew with watermelon sized boulders and ever conceivable rock mess. Before it was over Al crashed five times and to his absolute amazement Kadizzle did not crash. The road was so bad Kadizzle did not think making the journey without a crash was an option. Al is a much better rider and has a much more aggressive cycle than Kadizzle.  That may have be the salvation. 

We are in Tucson, AZ. We came to borrow a huge utility trailer from Al. Ultimately we will use it to get out worldly possessions from North Dakota.  

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