Friday, April 09, 2021

Rampant Paranoia

 Sitting in the shade talking to someone new you recently met. The conversation goes all over the place. Inevitably Kadizzle has a bad habit of turning things towards politics. This person who seemed intelligent, rational, and normal slowly reveals they are into the insane conspiracy theories. The popular right wing crazy idea is that Obama is secretly running the government. Where is this insanity coming from. Kadizzle needs to check.  Rush is dead.  Is Fox firing out these lies? There must be some popular nut radio or internet person dreaming up this insanity.  The Republicans find paranoid people a gold mine of votes. Making the Hoopleheads dance with crazy ideas is game on for the Republicans.  Fear is the name of the game. Someone is after your money, and your gun, and they don't want to let you talk to Jesus. The country is in a swamp of stupidity, and uninformed people. We are living in a country of the rich for the rich by the rich. The absurdity is the poor support those who are smacking them down the most. This is one amazing plantation where the slaves love the master and thing they will strike it rich picking cotton. 

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