Monday, January 15, 2018

Another Bum or scholar

If you have read this nonsense for a long time you might remember stories about Gary, Kadizzle's old bum friend. The other day Kadizzle rode down to the horse camp on his motorcycle.  The makings of a bum nest were apparent.  Not sure of this bum's name, but Kadizzle stopped for a chat.  Here is a guy living out of his car and sleeping in a tent. Who knows if he paid the fee to stay there or not.  All sorts of stuff was stacked on the picnic table.  A combo cot and lounge chair was on the gravel.  The tent was set up and as is the custom there is a bum dog.  Like Gary this guy seemed to be a reader.  He said he had been a radio dispatcher for the fire department.  Talking to him for awhile he seemed reasonably intelligent.  At some point he said " I was once told I have a good face for radio".   He did not have the best of teeth.  Bum's don't seem to go to dentist.  Stopping by on a different day the new guy in the neighborhood said he was going to the star party up at the National Monument.  How many people are wondering around trying to survive from one camp ground to the next?

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