Monday, July 03, 2017

If you are so smart why aren't you rich?

Americans love to equate rich with smart, but it doesn't always work out that way.  Albert Einstein was far from rich.  Donald Trump claims he is rich, but it is obvious he is mentally ill. People can accidently get rich in a variety of ways.  A lot of idiots inherited money. The only smart thing they did was recognize they were idiots and let someone else manage the money.  A lot of people happened to have a daddy that homesteaded over a pool of oil.  Of course there are those who hit the lottery.  Then there is another entire group that was immoral or dishonest.  One of the surest ways to get rich is fooling the ignorant.  Stump preachers have made vast fortunes selling god to dolts. Pat Robertson made millions bilking old ladies.  The number of pyramid schemes operating in our country shows the endless pool of idiots.  How about good old Bernie Madoff?  This man bilked all the so called smart rich people out of billions. The moral of the story is don't confuse rich with intelligent.

The Donald has put himself on display to show people you can be rich and dumb as a brick.  Still people insist that The Donald can lead us to prosperity. The Donald is the most famous con man of our time.  As an unabashed liar he has deluded the gullible his entire life. The Donald knows how to appeal to white trash, and those who want a simple answer to complex questions.  This will get all your clothes white.  That is what people want, a simple product that can do everything. That is what they see in The Donald. Remember The Donald said he would defeat ISIS in 30 days.  There should have been a money back guarantee. Well after the dolts paid shipping and handling the stain of ISIS is still here.  The Donald said he would destroy Obama Care.  It is still here.  Like all the phony advertisements on TV they guy selling the non stick pan makes the money and the dolts lose.  What does it take to give up on the con man? The hard core will never admit they got taken.  They will swear the cloths are clean except for that one stain, and you cannot expect everything to work 100%.  So now we have a con man with mental problems holding our lives in peril because the con man we elected has his fingers on the nuclear button.  After all this there are those who still firmly believe that rich and smart are the same thing.  Those people need to remember you can be rich and dead.

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