Sunday, October 30, 2016

Stars abound in the Sky

It is early, the coffee water is heating, and the Kadizzles are starting another day.  The stars are out in full glory and the southwestern sky is dark enough to make a good display.  Yesterday we meandered down to the boat ramp as two Windriders sailed in.  Kadizzle used to sell Windriders way back when.  Kadizzle had a long talk with the Windrider sailors.  One interesting thing he learned was that Chochiti Lake is basically a failure.  When you look at the dam you can see it is much higher than it needs to be for the amount of water it backs up.  The gentleman explained that when the lake was allowed to fill they discovered it pressurized a crack in the ground under the lake.  The water under pressure came up in the Indian village and made a swamp out of it. So now the lake is only allowed to get to 42 feet, when it could probably stay at over one hundred feet.

So this morning we will be off for Lake Roosevelt. Cliff is already down there in the encampment.  Some terrible news came yesterday that the best breakfast burrito in the world is no longer on the menu at La Pasada in Winslow.  Little Joey cried all night at the news.  There will be a protest.

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