Thursday, November 13, 2014

Can Jewish Girls find Jesus?

The wagon rumbled into Lake Roosevelt about five yesterday.  By the time we got set up the sun was down, but The Commander had to take a bike ride.  When Kadizzle opened the door to go out there stood The Commander in a state of excitement. “Guess who I found?”,  Since The Commander is of Jewish heritage,  Kadizzle could figure it was not Jesus, but the guy did have some resemblance.

The Commander had found Gary, our old itinerant scholarly friend from last year.  Gary was living in his tent not more than six hundred yards from where we nested.  The next morning it was great to see old Gary coming down the road with his dog Sammy.   Our speculation had been that Gary would be camping in that heavenly campground where the campers have wings.  Last year when we left Gary was hacking and coughing from his chronic smoking and it seemed for sure he would be called home soon.  However, Gary actually looked pretty good and said he managed to cut back on the nicotine devil some.

So this morning we caught up on Gary’s travels, and what he has been reading.   Hopefully more of our old camping buddies will show up so Kadizzle has some duffers to ride the back roads with.  The solar panel is up and cooking and things are warm and comfortable.  Kadizzle would still like to catch the generator sneaker who stole our generator last year.  The generator is now bolted to a piece of plywood and that trailer sits on the plywood.  The sneaker will have to move the camper to get the generator.  Who knows that sneaker is pretty clever, but there is also an alarm.

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