Saturday, January 11, 2014

Then why did you answer?

Sound asleep and in a most enjoyable state the phone rang last night and disturbed my peaceful nirvana.  Before I could answer the phone the person hung up. The phone showed it was a number from our home town.  Thinking it might be some sort of emergency Lord Kadizzle called the number and got some old German lady in Hazen, our home town.  Kadizzle asked if there was some reason she called.  In a thick German accent the lady explained that she was having trouble with her furnace.  Kadizzle then explained she had the wrong number.  It was sort of like the old gag "Then why did you answer".  Even after telling her she had the wrong number she still proceeded to describe the problem with the furnace.  She said she was actually trying to call Joe Metteler the furnace guy.  Next I asked her what number she called.  She said she called 748-6811.  Our number is 748-6111. It was apparent what had happened.  As the call ended she seemed irritate that I was answering someone else's phone, and was very little help in getting the furnace going.

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