Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Earth Module scheduled to go North today.

Unable to sleep Kadizzle is up pecking on the laptop.  Soon the sun will be up and The Commander will rise with it.  Kadizzle has had his coffee, and when The Commander awakes the truck will be hooked to the Earth Module. 

The plan is to head North up to Flagstaff then East.  Perhaps we will spend the night at El Moro.  El Morro is a small park with some very strange inscriptions. 

Explorers and travelers have known of the pool by the great rock for centuries. A valuable water source and resting place, many who passed by inscribed their names and messages in the rock next to petroglyphs left by ancient Puebloans. The ruins of a large pueblo located on top of El Morro were vacated by the time the Spaniards arrived in the late 1500s, and its inhabitants may have moved to the nearby pueblos in Zuni and Acoma. As the American West grew in population, El Morro became a break along the trail for those passing through and a destination for sightseers. As the popularity of the area increased, so did the tradition of carving inscriptions on the rock. To preserve the historical importance of the area and initiate preservation efforts on the old inscriptions, El Morro was established as a national monument by a presidential proclamation on December 8, 1906.

On the way to our next destination which will be a Corp of Engineers reservoir over near Sante Fe the Kadizzlites will enjoy a fine rest at El Morro. 

Camping south of Sedona has been very pleasant.  Mornings start by watching the hot air balloons arrive while we sit with coffee in the sun.  Next a brief motorcycle trip to the model airplane airport to have a chat with the techno nerds.  Finally some hiking or motorcycling, and then back to the module for the afternoon glass of wine, beer, or whiskey.  It is a tough life to give up, but someone has to explore every inch of Arizona, and surrounding states.  The Commander insist that if an Indian ever built an ancient out house we have to find it.

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