Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spoke to a rare Yinsar tribesman

The other day Lord Kadizzle had occasion to talk with someone on the phone from the Pittsburgh area.  Kadizzle had no idea that is where the man was from.  Kadizzle enjoys accents and studying them on an amateur basis.

After speaking to the man for awhile Kadizzle asked him where he was from.  The man gave several places.  Kadizzle remarked to the man that he had a strange accent.  The man said I am a Yinser.  Very few people would know what a Yinser is, but Kadizzle knew.  Yinser's are only found around Pittsburgh.  In fact Yinser's only exist in a small area east of Pittsburgh.

Now what in the hell is a Yinser?  A Yinser would say to you if you were walking down the street " Where are  yins going, or they might say what are yins doing.  Curious, Kadizzle  asked the Yinser if he knew where Yinser's came from.  All he said was that they originally came from Canada.

Years ago Kadizzle worked with a Yinser at the Glenharold Mine in Stanton, North Dakota.  It has been a long time since Kadizzle has heard the rare Yinser.

One strange quality Yinser's have is politeness.  It had never occurred to Kadizzle about this aspect of Yinser's until the conversation a couple of days ago.  During the conversation Kadizzle mentioned to the guy that Yinser's were always very polite.  The Yinser gave a good explanation.  The Yinser explained that where Yinser's were common the people were very intolerant.  You could very easily get the hell beat out of you by being disrespectful or rude.  The net result was Yinser's grew up with good manners.

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