Friday, November 02, 2012

The Accumulation

Today was a slow lazy day when the Kadizzles wandered around like ghost in their own house. A light snow fell outside on a dreary day.  The Kadizzles have taken on the task of slowly cleaning the joint.  His Lordship decided it was time to take on the TV room.  Under the television in the den is the historical record of music compiled by the Kadizzles over a life time.  Once the decision was made to clean out the museum, it became apparent two major historical eras had to be discarded.  First was the cassette era.  Once upon a time people listened to music on little cassettes. So there were a couple boxes of those to go into the master mess room down in the basement. Next was the CD era.  Looking at each of those CD's and thinking that is ten bucks, was pretty distressing, but no one actually plays the damn things anymore.  A couple hundred of the disk were rearranged as if someday they might get played.  In the back were some old VHS tapes. Perhaps there were a couple family treasures on them, but they have to go. 

Modern man can trace his life through musical periods.  Kadizzle has lived through the 45 rpm, the 78 rpm, the giant reel to reel tape deck, the 8 track, the small cassette, the CD, and now as we live in either the ipod or cloud era Kadizzle wonders what the next medium will be.

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