Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Flurry of activity at the News desk

Slowly the sun comes over the Goldfield mountains and shines in the window of the Earth Module. In the desert North of Mesa Kadizzle and The Commander eventually crawl out from under the comforters that protected them from the 38 degree cold in the module. After the generator is started and the coffee is going the computers begin to hum. At the news desk the Bismarck Tribune has to be checked to see if the Hoopleheads need to be fought into submission. The New York Times has to be checked to get the party line. The Huffington post needs to be pursued to see how well Colbert, Bill Maher, and John Stewart are shooting up the Hoopleheads. After Facebook, and email, the world is falling into place. Of course during all this NPR is going in the background. By 9:30 the Kadizzlites should be reasonably up to date.

Now, it is time for the second cup of coffee. The Commander is going berserk because the New York Times has cut her off. Slowly the camp is coming to life. The generators are humming to warm up all the old goats. By now Bud has the fire going at the liars den. Decision time is approaching. How should we spend the day? Will The Commander have a forced march into the Goldfield Mountains? Will it be a day of leisure or a day getting ready for the next big move to Quartzite. Only time will tell. First on today's agenda is to investigate the rumor a mountain lion with a cub is roaming the area.

No doubt the "Horse Lady" will appear. The horse lady worries about the wild horses and thinks she is their guardian angel. Every day the horse lady observes what the horses are doing. Now the horse lady has two problems, the mountain lion might get her, and of course there is the regular problem. The regular problem is the mysterious cult, or perhaps the Indians that are killing the horses. Horse lady has found some strange ritual sites that my be a horse killing, ritual doing cult. On the other hand now that Obama has made horse meat legal, yup every problem goes back to Obama, people are killing the horses and selling the horse meat steaks.

So the sun comes up and the day unfolds. Axe handle's medication seems to be working. The Republicans are shooting each other, so all is well in the universe. Soon The Commander will bark out the orders for the day, but for now she is calmly sitting in from of her mini laptop content to surf the net, so Kadizzle will have his second cup of coffee and sign off. Have a good day.

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