Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Commander has a Birthday

Without The Commander to manage every aspect of his life Kadizzle would be lost. Ofter when left alone Kadizzle can be seen wandering in circles without the leadership of The Commander.

As if The Commander were not valuable enough to the expedition she now has become much more valuable. With a 62 year old Commander the warranty is just about expired, but there is a big bonus. Once you inform the government your leader has turned the magical age of 62 the goberment, which we all hate, will send you a check equal to half your social security check. Perhaps it will be even more.

This is clearly socialism, and it is terrible, but the grocery store does not know that the money is coming from the communist regime of Obama, and we don't tell them.

It turns out a lot of people who hate socialism are secretly taking money from Obama to help destroy capitalism. Why work when you can get free money in the mail and travel the southwest.

The birthday party was a big success. The Commander got to eat Thia food, and Myra made a good desert with ice cream.

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