The knock came on the door at our little Earth module camper in a small town deep in the Sonaran Desert. The old fart at the door explained he was from the local tourism bureau. The gentleman related to Kadizzle how the town used to attract a lot more tourist when he was younger, but things seemed to be going down hill, literally downhill. According to Snuffy the mountains were getting smaller. Snuffy had heard of Kadizzle's mental prowess and asked if Kadizzle would investigate. Reluctantly Kadizzle took the job. To Kadizzle the simple solution seemed to be a stake out. Kadizzle took The Commander and headed for Rainbow Canyon. It was a beutiful place full of colorful rocks. Both hid carefully in some crevices in the rocks. It wasn't long before they heard a feminine voice "Oh, look, I want that one, it would look so nice in the garden, put it in your pack dear".
Looking out from a crack in their hiding place they saw a petite woman and her husband weighed down with a heavy pack. "There's one I could put by the flowers, pick it up dear". To Kadizzle it was pretty evident, rock thieves. It was time to act. Kadizzle jumped out from behind the rock and demanded "Where are you taking those rocks?". "North Dakota" replied the little lady.
Now many things were evident. Why was there continental uplift in the Rocky Mountains? Why did the continents drift? It was obvious. Rock thieves from Pick City North Dakota had made the continent so light in the West it was drifting. The weight now in a garden in North Dakota had once held down the Rockies.
As Kadizzle hand cuffed the couple the husband thanked him. "You saved me Kadizzle, do you know what it is like to carry a backpack full of rocks?". Back at the small town jail the rock thief who called himself Rodger the Rock, and his wife who called herself The Ruthless Rock Thief, both confessed to many rock crimes. It turned out the meter crater in Arizona was not a crater at all, but just a place where Ruth liked the rocks.
Geologist are eating crow as this new explanation of many canyons, and valleys has to be accounted for.
At the trial both plead guilty, and the judge was lenient. Since it was Ruth's birthday, she was sentenced to only a week working on the rock pile. As the judge pronounced the sentence Ruth had a subtle smile, and Rodger cried. He knew it was like sentencing an alcoholic to work at a brewery.
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