Friday, March 18, 2011

Get rid of Click and Clack? Is this Libya?

You have to watch this video to see how truly pathetic the Republican Party has become. NPR is a wonderful source of radio everyone of my conservative friends loves, but NPR has a bad habit of exposing the fallacies of the right wing, so they must go. Almost all civilized countries have a national radio program that tries to be straight forward and a good source of honest news. However, this creates a lot of problems for the right wing liars on Fox, so NPR must go. Kadizzle would not argue MSNBC is not biased, nor would he claim a host of other programs have no bias. In our country there are some organs of communication we can trust. Consumer Reports is a magazine we all trust. NPR is the Consumer Reports in our country for news. Because in the category of truth and lies the Republicans come out on the short end they want to destroy it. It is ironic that during a time when countries in the middle east are trying to establish freedom of the press, we are subject to right wing assaults on the free press in our country. The Bible says "Know the truth and the Truth shall set you free". This is a proverb Kadizzle lives by. Unfortunately the Republican version is "Know the truth, and you will vote Democratic", so they have pledged to destroy NPR.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn: "It is a wealthy, educated listening audience. If people want this programming, they're going to be willing to pay for it but the American taxpayer has said, 'get NPR out of our pocket.' They have some sponsors that land in the $1 million plus category." So we need to destroy NPR because it has a wealthy educated audience? What if poor people want to hear what wealthy educated people get to hear? Yup, poor people could become smarter, and nothing presents a greater threat to the right wing than poor people getting smarter. If poor people get smarter, then you can't trick them with the guns, gays, and god jazz, and god knows it might get harder to bambozzle the poor about tax cuts for the rich. So let the poor watch Fox and get as stupid as they want.

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