Friday, February 11, 2011

38 Billion made someone rich?

Today Lord Kadizzle spent hours touring the Air Museum in Tucson. The Museum has to be the mother of all air Museums. According to the tour director if all the planes there were bought new you would be looking at 38 billion. If you ever want to see how the military industrial complex bilked our country this is the place to go, row after row of multi million, and even billion dollar aircraft. Over three thousand planes parked in the desert. Each plane could have been a school, a nursing home, a hospital, health care, but instead it kept us free? Who knows, but see 38 billion dollars worth of aircraft parked in the desert makes you wonder. Of course the cost of those planes is well beyond 38 billion. Billions more were spent to develop them. Many have already been scrapped, and destroyed. We sure scared the Russians.

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