Saturday, March 13, 2010

Angel's landing death spot

If you click on the picture above it will enlarge. If you examine the picture closely you will see the most deadly spot on the trail. Far ahead on the trail is a person with blue on. Behind him is another person with blue. Between them is a very narrow spot where you could fall either way to your death. Apparently a woman fell last year. After you cross that spot you have to go right up the spine of the rock in front of the first person on the trail. Everyone in our family except Erin has done it. Kadizzle has done it several times. Yesterday however that spine was covered with snow. It always amazes Kadizzle that anyone would be allowed to do it when the trail is snow covered. Far and away Kadizzle would rate this the most dangerous hike open to the general public in the United States. The fact that two people per year get killed here proves that. However, and article claims the odds are 1 in 79,000 you will get killed. So that means roughly 160,000 people make it out there and back every year, which is amazing. The most incredible thing is to see people take small children out there. To the best of my knowledge no small child has yet made the 1,000 foot plunge to their death. When that day comes things will change.

The picture above is where you go up the spine ahead of the fist person in the first picture, however yesterday it had about six inches of snow on it.

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