Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kadizzle involved in Murder for hire

Today Old Kadizzle decided to go on a pheasant hunt over where the motorcycle gang in Stanton has their lair. They have some good pheasant land. So Kadizzle called the leader of the gang to get permission to hunt. You can hunt he said, but you have to commit a murder for me. Reluctantly Kadizzle agreed to do a drive by shooting, or what would be in this case a walk by shooting. It seems Big Daddy Kerns doesn't like beavers. Apparently this comes from time he spent in Minot where the school mascot was the beaver. According to Big Daddy, the school had a Miss Beaver pageant, and other Beaver related celebrations. Big Daddy claims he was stood up by Miss Beaver on a date, and has not liked beaver since. So in order to hunt Big Daddy says we have to fire some buckshot at the beavers by the river. In high school nothing was more fun than beaver hunting, but is something you outgrow, but today, it looks like we are going to have to let the little tree munching scoundrels have it for Big Daddy.

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