Monday, November 23, 2009

Banking on Stupidity

Saturday Kadizzle went to the bank to cash a check. In the hopeless fight to inspire young people to think Kadizzle started a political discussion with one of the three teenage tellers. The topic was health care and jumped to social security. Before long all three tellers were in the battle. Kadizzle was amazed at how illogical and indoctrinated these kids were. Thought was out of the question, it was just a parroting of their parents views. While talking about social security Kadizzle mentioned how unfair it was to young people not to make the rich pay after they make 106k. One of the girls said "Everyone has the same chance to be a millionaire if they work hard". Kadizzle asked the girl " Did the owner of the bank they were working on, whose father gave him the bank, have the same chance as they did?". The young teller said yes. Then Kadizzle asked the girl if her father was going to give her a bank. She said no, but still could not see that two people starting in life certainly don't have the same chance. During the whole conversation it became evident these kids had no thinking skills whatsoever. Kadizzle went home shaken about how easily these kids could be manipulated by the Glenn Becks and Fox News of the world.

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