Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bernie Madoff = George Bush

Unless you have been living in a cave by now you have read about Bernie Madoff. Bernie engineered the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever. Reports are he bilked people out of fifty billion dollars. Everyone loved Bernie and no one could say anything bad about him. The facts spoke for themselves. Detractors were just jealous. Unfortunately the whole thing blew up when reality struck. Now our good buddy George Bush. Unfortunately reality hit before he left office. Unfortunately many of Bush's followers still have not come to grips with his fraud. Every Madoff follower can go to their statement and find out the simple truth, it is a lie the money is not there. Bush pulled the same scheme with the tax breaks for the rich lie. The strange thing is the denial. How many Americans still think and believe the Bush Ponzi scheme is a lie. Bernie at least finally admitted it was all a lie. Bush does not have the guts to come clean. That means Bernie is more of a man than George. George cannot give up the lie.

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