Thursday, November 15, 2007

Things I would never have predicted.

Often I think about how I ended up in North Dakota. I never imagined as a young hill billy I would spend most of my life in North Dakota. Now, I find myself the major stockholder in a fashion design company. Megan is going to make a stab at a line of clothing in New York City. So now a man with the fashion sense of a person living under the bridge, is watching Project Runway. Lord Kadizzle is learning, he correctly predicted the loser, and the winner. Since gay men seem to dominate women's fashion, I am not sure about Megan's chance. However, her boyfriend dressed as a gay guy for Halloween, so there may be some hope. This leads to an interesting question: Do gay women design men's clothes? Mine seem to be designed by a chubby elf. Lord Kadizzle may start his own line of mens cloths. A friends wife had a good idea, she put a bell on his zipper so he remembers to pull it up. Lord Kadizzle is thinking of various cloth with food stain patterns that would hide the clues to what was served for dinner. Also a shirt with buttons on the bottom that can be attached to the pants to hold them up is in the works. My big hope is to bring out a line of jump suits for retired guys. When RV's first became popular, every old fart that bought one had a silver jump suit. His fashion statement was "I am retired, and my belly no longer has to fight a belt". It also reflected the NASA era. If Kadizzle fashions can bring this trend back, you will see rolly polly guys poping out the doors of great big road hogs looking like a fat guy just landed on the moon.

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