Monday, November 11, 2019

Up the mountain

The brother in law took old Kadizzle on a long ride up the mountain.  Eventually we got to the paved highway west of Jerome.  From a distance the mountain did not look so big, but like all mountains it was higher than it appeared.   Following a seemingly endless mountain gravel road we slowly made it into the forest.  It is always amazing to make the transition from desert to pine forest.  Lower down we had encountered some old copper mines.  The road followed the installation of a water line.  So many construction projects in the west are difficult undertakings.  Sometime in the past someone built a pipeline from a spring high in the mountains clear to Jerome.  Jerome is the copper mining town up on the mountain above Cottonwood.  Burying a water line along the contour of a mountain was no easy task.  After the pleasant ride through the forest we came out on the paved road that leads to Prescott.  Turning right we headed to Jerome.  Jerome is a strange town pasted on the side of the mountain.   The narrow streets are lined with homes and businesses left over from the time it was an active mining camp.  The attempts to build on a forty five degree angle are interesting to see.  If there was a bizarre driveway contest this town would have a lot of winners.

Sitting about three feet from Kadizzle is one of Patty's three domesticated rats.  Actually it is a damn chi wa wah.  That is my spelling, take it or leave it.  The damn dog is sort of snoring.  One of these rodents is like a hot dog with legs.  The brains in these animals are about the size of ping pong balls and they act like Republicans. 

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